S timulating U nderstanding of C omputational science through Collaboration, E xploration, E xperiment, and D iscovery for students with Hearing Impairments
For Interpreters!

Computational Science



Why should I learn computational science?


Many of the most important scientific questions facing humanity in the twenty-first century will be answered using computational science. Here are a few examples of the big questions that computational scientist will try to answer in your lifetime.


"How does the water move on the earth?" Weather is a small part of this question, Computer models are necessary to predict where a hurricane strikes land and how much rain will fall. A second computer model predicts how much water soaks into the ground and how much will runoff. A third model predicts how much and when the flooding will occur. Additional models attempt to predict how the water will move through the soil, plants, the ocean and atmosphere. All of these factors impact on climate and global warming.


Cataloging the human genome is only the first step in understanding the chemical processes of life. Computer models are needed to produce three-dimentional images of the proteins the genes code for. Computer models next analyze how these 3d models of proteins interact with each other. Some proteins combine to form cellular structures. Other groups of proteins work together to regulate cellular processes.


Models will allow scientists to analyze how foreign chemicals like medicine and pollution affect these cellular processes. There are thousands of proteins in the human body. There are millions or billions of potential interactions with the chemicals our bodies are exposed to. Without computer models it would be impossible to examine all but a few of these interactions.


Economics and market forces are big, dynamic and rapidly changing. Computer models are needed to help us deal with the vast amounts of data generated by the exchange of money and goods. Additional models help us use our resources wisely and plan for the future.


These are just a few of the major issues scientists will struggle with in the next century. As society looks for answers it will increasingly call on scientists with a background in computational science. That means that many new jobs will require a technical background in computational science.


Many new jobs will require you to work with computational scientists and their models. For example, cars and planes are designed and tested with computer models. Different models can be designed and tested at a fraction of the cost of building physical models.


City planners and voters will use computational science models to compare competing strategies for reducing pollution and natural disasters like flooding and forest fires.

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  1. what
  2. who
  3. computational
  4. theoretical
  5. experimental
  6. observational
  7. introduction
  1. how

Developed by
The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.

Copyright © 2002 by The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc

This project is supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation

Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the National Science Foundation.