
Aligned Resources

Shodor > Interactivate > Standards > Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills: Algebra I > Aligned Resources

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
Algebra I
Quadratic and Other Nonlinear Functions:
10. The student understands there is more than one way to solve a quadratic equation and solves them using appropriate methods.
Lesson  (...)
Lesson: Explores derivatives and the idea of infinity using a geometric interpretation of slope.

Lesson: Students learn about definite integrals through limits and Riemann sums

Activity  (...)
Activity: Students play a generalized version of connect four, gaining the chance to place a piece on the board by solving an algebraic equation. Parameters: Level of difficulty of equations to solve and type of problem. Algebra Four is one of the Interactivate assessment games.

Activity: Test your algebra skills by answering questions. This quiz asks you to solve algebraic linear and quadratic equations of one variable. Choose difficulty level, question types, and time limit. Algebra Quiz is one of the Interactivate assessment quizzes.

Activity: View the graph and the equation of the line tangent to any function at any point on the function.

Activity: InteGreat! allows the user to visually explore the idea of integration through approximating the integral value with partitions. The user controls the number of partitions, the upper and lower limits, and the method used to estimate the integral.

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